Wide sneakers for girl with high arches
Lovely style - rose color leather with silver trim.
Good orthopedic arch that is added to the sole of the model.
Basically sole is formed on kids foot to provide bet support.
Sole is a key in European shoes since it have to be contoured to support the arch in the foot.
They fit regural feet as well since they measured perfectly for a child.
Great for child with high instep as velcros are longer and fit well.
Perfect ortho sneakers for an active child.
Could be worn barefoot with no socks.
Natural leather used with none sweat soles present.
Child feet will never sweat in those sneakers as they absorb sweat from the soles.
Corrective for any feet problems child might experience
Europe makes ortho shoes only with proper support.
Accept no substitutes as shoes from China never support kids feet.